
Welcome to Omniplan's Developer Portal, the go-to hub for accessing financial calculations. At Omniplan, we specialize in crafting robust APIs tailored to meet the diverse needs of technical applications requiring seamless integration with our data.  

Registration Process

To dive into our APIs, you'll need to Sign Up on our Developer Portal. It's a quick and straightforward two-step process. Just head over to the Sign Up section, fill in your details, and hit submit. 

Once submitted, you'll receive an activation link via email. Simply click on the link to activate your account. Once activated, head to the Products page, grab your unique API key, and start using the APIs.

Your initial access is limited to allow you to explore our APIs. If you want to upgrade to a free test account for 30-days access please fill in this Contact form or this Contact form.


Generating API keys

To access our APIs, you must first obtain an API key by subscribing to a product. Upon signing up, you will have access to the preview product. To subscribe, visit the Products page and select the desired product. A subscription form will then appear, allowing you to instantly activate your subscription and receive the API key(s).

Accessing API's

After subscribing to our APIs, you can start leveraging them by calling the API's URL from your environment using the provided API keys. Our APIs are securely hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud. 

Licensing options

Omniplan offers a number of different licensing options to suit your needs. The Free test account offers you access to all calculations for a limited period and a restricted number of calls. It gives you the opportunity to test our APIs and calculations. At the end of the free period, we'll touch base to discuss licensing options. Should you choose not to purchase a license, your API key will be deactivated.

For users who wish to subscribe to our services we have different price plans to suit everyone’s needs. For any licensing queries, feel free to reach out to us.

Feature 1
Free Test account includes

✔ 30 days access
✔ Restricted # of calls
✔ Access to all calculations
✔ Online support

Sign Up
Feature 2
Business account includes

✔ Tiered # of calls
✔ Access to all calculations
✔ Online support

Contact Us
Feature 3
Enterprise account includes

✔ Unlimited # of calls
✔ Access to all calculations
✔ Online and Telephone support

Contact Us

Customer support

If you encounter any technical challenges or have questions about API consumption, feel free to Contact Us. Our support team is ready to assist you.